Upcoming PhD defenses: Feifei Xiang and Sebastian Otto

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Next week is the big week for Feifei and Sebastian. Both are going to defend their theses.


  • Sebastian Otto will take the lead on Thursday. He will defend his thesis about “Two-photon photoelectron spectroscopy on topological insulators” on Thursday 14:00,  lecture hall F. The public talk will be given in German.
  • Feifei Xiang will follow on Friday morning and present her thesis with the title “Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Investigations of Porphyrins on Cu(111) and Cobalt Oxide Films: Adsorption, Self-Assembly and On-Surface Synthesis”. The public talk starts on Friday 10:30, seminar room 00.732. The talk will be given in English.

We are looking forward to two great talks, successful exams and some party!