Team Q4Q
Prof. Dr. Daniele Fausti
Institute of Condensed Matter Physics
Chair of Solid-State Physics
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-28401
- Email:
Daniele is the head of the chair of Solid State Physics since July 2022. He was formerly Associate Professor at the Physics Department at the University of Trieste. His scientific background is in the fields of condensed matter physics, ultrafast laser spectroscopy, and quantum optics. His past activities, mainly experimental, range from non-linear photoemission processes from metal surfaces, static studies of transition metal oxides and correlated electron systems, time-resolved spectroscopic techniques and ultrafast laser technology. He has a good familiarity with both table top spectroscopic techniques and synchrotron (or Free Electron Laser) based experiments. More recently he focused on quantum state reconstruction techniques for ultrashort light pulses. The major scientific achievements of his career up to now have been the development of a unique spectroscopic tool capable of measuring the time evolution of the spontaneous Raman response following laser excitation, the optical control of superconductivity in the cuprates, and the discovery of an ultrafast dressing of subgap excitation in in insulating transition metal oxides.
FAU members
Scientific Staff
Dr. Angela Montanaro
Institute of Condensed Matter Physics
Chair of Solid-State Physics
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-28409
- Email:
Angela received her PhD degree Magna cum Laude at the University of Trieste in September 2022. She then joined the chair of Solid State Physics at FAU in February 2023. Angela’s research interests focus on studying and controlling quantum properties of complex materials exploiting light-matter interaction. She has expertise in time-resolved spectroscopic studies of cuprate superconductors, both in free space and in a cavity-mediated environment, and layered van der Waals materials.
Dr. Giacomo Jarc
Institute of Condensed Matter Physics
Chair of Solid-State Physics
- Email:
Giacomo earned a Bachelor degree in Physics (University of Trieste, 2017) and a Master degree in Condensed Matter Physics (University of Trieste, 2019). He is currently involved in a PhD program at the University of Trieste in collaboration with Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste under the supervision of prof. Daniele Fausti. Giacomo's research activity focuses on the experimental study by mean of ultrafast optical techniques of light matter-hybrides confined in optical cavities with frequencies ranging from THz to visible. In particular, he designed a novel set-up to study the terahertz optical properties of low energy degrees of freedom in complex materials coupled with a tunable optical cavity in cryogenic environment.
Enrico Maria Rigoni
University of Trieste
Physics Department
- Phone number: +390403758596
- Email:
Enrico earned a Bachelor degree in Physics (2018) and a Master degree in Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Trieste. As a PhD student, his research focuses on out-of-equilibriuum studies of complex-materials. In particular, he’s currently working on noise-assisted time-resolved experiments on high temperature superconductors.
PhD Students
Antonio Mastropasqua
Institute of Condensed Matter Physics
Chair of Solid-State Physics
- Email:
Antonio earned a Bachelor's degree in Physics (2020) and a Master's degree in Theoretical Physics (2023) at the University of Trieste. As a PhD student, his research activity focuses on the theoretical study of Quantum Thermodynamics of Solid Materials coupled with Optical Cavities within the strong light-matter interaction regime.
Nitesh Khatiwada
Institute of Condensed Matter Physics
Chair of Solid-State Physics
- Email:
Nitesh earned his bachelor degree in Physics (2022) from Jacobs University Bremen. He did his Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree (EMJMD) on Quantum Technologies and Engineering (QuanTEEM) at Universite de Bourgogne in France and Aarhus University in Denmark. As a PhD student, his line of work focuses on the study of cavity electrodynamics of quantum materials.
UniTS members
Shahla Yasmin Mathengattil
University of Trieste
Physics Department
- Phone number: +390403758518
- Email:
Shahla obtained her bachelor and master degree at IISER Thiruvananthapuram, India (2020). Her research as a PhD student in Trieste focuses on analyzing the properties of quantized electromagnetic fields and complex systems in the strong light-matter coupling regime.
Master Students
Costanza Lincetto
University of Trieste
Physics Department
Giovanni Tartaglia
University of Trieste
Physics Department
Gabriele Bartolini
University of Trieste
Physics Department
- Filippo Glerean (Harvard University)
- Francesca Giusti (High school teacher)
- Giorgia Sparapassi (Industry)
- Alexandre Marciniak (CNRS Toulouse)
- Stefano Marcantoni (SISSA Trieste)
- Jonathan O. Tollerud (Swinburne University)
- Francesco Randi (Princeton University)
- Martina Esposito (CNR Naples)
- Fabio Novelli (Bochum University)